
Great Beginnings Preschool
 North Hollywood

At Great Beginnings, we assume the role of not only teacher, but as a healthcare provider, counselor, nutritional specialist, and friend.

Great Beginnings is where a lifetime of learning begins.


Half Day (8:30 am – 12 pm)

Full Day (6:30 am – 6 pm)

Late Pickup Fee

Children must be picked up by 6 pm. There will be a $5.00 late fee for every 15 minutes (or portion) for any child staying after 6 pm.

Registration Fee/Summer Fee

$150 Academic Annual Fee is due in September. $100 Summer Activity Fee 
is due in June.

Sibling Discount

Each additional child from the same family will receive a 10% tuition discount.

Late Tuition Payments

All tuition is payable in advance: weekly, biweekly or monthly. Tuition payments are due at the beginning of the month or week depending on the payment method chosen.

Returned Check Fee

Accounts will be charged $25.00 per NSF. We reserve the right to request tuition be paid in cash or money order if there are more than two returned checks within any three month period.